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As one of the 7 social fraternities at UNCG, Pi Kappa Phi is among the top in Campus Involvement. We believe that by networking with the other organizations in our Fraternity and Sorority Association through Social and Philanthropy events, we will become better all-around students and men. Throughout each semester we set up social mixers with each of the four sororities in the College Panhellenic Council: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, and Sigma Sigma Sigma. These mixers allow us to connect with diverse women who understand the importance of Greek life. Many of our brothers are good friends with ladies in sororities or have girlfriends in the Greek system. Along with mixers, we host date functions and a semi-formal retreat in the Fall Semester where every brother brings a date to the mountains for a weekend of relaxtion before finals. In the Spring, our social calendar is packed with date functions, Spring Break, Carolina Cup, and Formal to end the year at the beach. We also have multiple brotherhood events throughout the year in order to build a stronger brotherhood.


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