We are the Epsilon Iota Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Pi Kappa Phi is ranked in the top 10 best national fraternities and here at UNCG we uphold that excellence. Pi Kappa Phi was the first fraternity chartered on the UNCG campus in 1981 and has since been a premier organization. Pi Kappa Phi supports a 100% no hazing policy implemented by our National Organization and the IFC at UNCG. We are committed to be the best we can be and promote a healthy and fun college experience for all of our brothers. Our 7 Values are as follows: Common Loyalty, Personal Responsibility, Achievement, Accountability, Campus Involvement, Responsible Citizenship, and Lifelong Commitment.


What Can Pi Kapp Offer You?
Lifelong Brotherhood
Great College Experience
Networking Advantages
​Improved Academics
​Intramural Athletic Teams
​Social Engagement
​and much more!